Impact Your World

A tiny seed transforms in a powerful and dramatic way. With adequate water, sun and soil, that tiny seed can grow into a majestic tree. That tree matures and its roots spread and strengthen. Its branches expand and fill with leaves. That simple seed has become a big, solid tree that now provides nourishment, protection and beauty for its community.

A small seed offers promise of the future. It contains the power of creation and the gift of life. You, me, we have the ability to plant seeds that will grow and change the landscape of our world forever. By making the choice to invest our time, talents and treasure in the lives of those around us, we are planting seeds that will allow our community to grow into that majestic tree that provides nourishment and safety for those who need it. Great communities are filled with great people. Good neighborhoods begin with good neighbors just like us.

Every day is filled with opportunities for us to plant a seed. All we have to do is take action through kindness, love and service. Once we do it is fun to watch the seed grow into a beautiful tree.

We are happy that you are here. Let’s take action, plant seeds and impact our world together!

Aaron was OUTSTANDING as a motivational speaker for my organization! The room went from laughter to tears during his talk and the message was one that everyone in the room could identify with. I strongly endorse Aaron as a speaker at your next event. His message was powerful, moving and inspirational.

Mark Dixon, Chief Executive Officer at Matthew 25 Health & Dental Clinic

“Thank you Aaron for visiting our school. The students were engaged and loved every minute. They really enjoyed your visit and learned a lesson to apply to their daily lives. The presentation was very motivating. We are looking forward to more visits to our school when your new books are released.”

Christy Hopper, Teacher at Royerton Elementary